Boredom - A Hidden Path to Creativity & Alignment.

Boredom, ‘I’m bored’, ‘this is boring’, ‘there’s nothing to do!’

What if this seemingly mundane sentiment is actually a profound pointing to unfettering the creativity and pure potentiality of - you?

Boredom often conceals subtler, lower-energy emotions that resonate less with the true nature of peace - contentment… and creativity.

The labeling of self, experience and or feeling as "boring," is essentially pointing to an experiential disconnect, a limiting belief yet to be acknowledged and addressed - allowed to be felt.

Recognizing these subdued emotions is the first step towards liberation from shadow constraints. It opens the door to embracing your true creativity, allowing you to flow as Creator-Creating-Creation.

Next time boredom strikes, take a moment of pause.

Ponder: What is this boredom reveal to me? Is there an unexplored passion or dormant idea within me, waiting to be expressed and manifested? Could it be signaling the arising of the very direction, specifics and guidance therein which I’ve been longing for?

This is not merely about fighting off boredom; it's about understanding its message and harnessing its transformative power. The emotional guidance of boredom is not an obstacle, but an invitation to consciously create - to unleash your inherent creativity and step fully into your role as the creator of your reality.

If and when boredom arises, remember: it is your gateway to pure potentiality, a spark of effervescent excitement ready to manifest "in the flesh." Embrace this moment. Let it guide you to discover passion, eagerness and enthusiasm. Boredom, then, is truly an opportunity. It is your being, inviting you to rise, align - and create.

Absolute Positivity Appears As Positive & Negative Thoughts.

Positive and negative are thoughts which absolute unchanging positivity is being, or, appearing as.

That there is positive and negative is the belief that there is the relative, a dualistic positive and negative reality or relative world.

The belief is an illusion; awareness obscured by thoughts about perception, about there being a reality which is other than, awareness.  

Fundamentally, the illusion “I’m here”, is that of there being a separate self which is not awareness; a knower, which knows there is, a reality which is positive and negative, with positive and negative things, people, situations, circumstances and or events, in the relative, or, in a relative world. 

The presumed division in or of perception is a projection of a presumed division of oneself as, separate.   

As reality is an indivisible seamless flow of infinite consciousness, the appearing misidentification & ensuing misinterpretation is naturally met with the self-inherent guidance of emotion.   

The guidance of doubt for example is akin to a ringing phone, as an invitation to the truth of the absolute creator-ship of indivisible consciousness. The answering of the phone is like the acknowledgment of the guidance of emotion. It is the dispelling of misinterpretation, and the illuminating of the truth of your creator-ship as creator-creating-creation. 

Absolute positivity is The Light, which readily exposes & dispels all limiting discordant beliefs, or ‘shadows’, which are nothing more than previously unexamined thoughts & unacknowledged emotions.

Meditation & ‘The Veil’.

Have you meditated as it were, such that boundaries of thought, body and world dissolve, revealing the deeper truth of your existence?

Have you, awareness, let go so deeply and profoundly that it is clearly seen ‘body’ is an apparent thought emerging through the lens of your being?

Have you, consciousness, meditated upon yourself so deeply, that the very notion of experience is unthinkably, unbelievably, undeniably, unequivocally and absolutely - dispelled?

Have, you, infinite being, withdrawn yourself from appearing as all phenomenon such that all which remains is the unquestionable sincerity, authenticity, integrity and unspeakable honesty otherwise sought in apparent experience?

Have you, the ever-present ineffable, divested of all beliefs, unfettering the self-inherent infinitude and unconditionality that you are, meditatively?

What is experience, the universe or world of your being like, upon the revelation?

Have you, that which is absolute, unchanging and unmoved under any and all circumstances & conditions, meditatively such that thought, body and world - very literally, disappear?

Do you really believe there is a substitute?

Nothing Is Hidden; Direct Experience

The labels you & individual arise within a singular indivisible perspective, implying separation and division where truly no edge, border, beginning or ending can be found.

Likewise, memories appear seamlessly and (only) presently.

Sensory input is a presumption for which no evidence of any origin can actually be found in direct experience.

‘All’ conditioning is the direct experience of a presently appearing condition.

That there is a multiplicity of entities thinking and believing is a presently and directly experienced belief.

Emotions are directly experienced (only) and do not inherently imply separation, things, or therein possessions (such as my emotions) experienced by a plurality or multiplicity of beings or entities (such as your emotions).

While actions & behaviors can seem to suggest a decision-making entity, this conceptual overlay, in accordance with direct experience, is a hindsight assumption which arises of and is not separate of the (present-only) seamless flow of consciousness.

Dreaming, indeed there seems to be somewhere you are and a multiplicity of selves, entities or beings, yet… what is the reality upon awakening?

Truth, Emotions, Actions & Behaviors: Flipping The Coin.

Emotions, actions & behaviors manifest as the very same underlying reality, continuously, inseparably and flawlessly. Apparently & experientially; like two sides of a coin.

There is no 'separate self' managing, regulating or orchestrating these colorful dynamics. The concept of separation between a self, emotion, and resulting actions & behaviors is a felt misinterpretation.

In moments of discord or intense emotions, take pause and - flip the coin.

For example, when anger arises, instead of immediate reactivity - pause, and allow presence & innate response-ability. Momentarily, ‘do’ nothing at all as it were. Embrace the non, the peace, the stillness of non-reaction… and fully acknowledge the emotion. Feel the anger deeply & thoroughly; feel the discord and receive the guidance.

This conscious engagement transforms behaviors from reactive to intentional, where intention arises naturally of the wholeness of Being, and not on behalf of a separate self of thoughts, such as with my emotions, actions or behaviors but rather - as presence… as Being… as that which is being the emotions, actions & behaviors.

Consider a “stressful situation” at work. The initial reaction might be to avert, lash out or make a hasty decision. By flipping the coin and pausing to recognize the underlying emotion and feel it fully, the subsequent actions are conscious and of alignment. In truth, this is not technically cognitively discernible, and yet it need not be as discord & alignment is unmistakably felt.

For the two-fold win - pair this with The Luggage Analogy. You might very well find you’re going to bed with less & less “luggage”, and therein picking up less & less “luggage”, and inevitably, not picking up any luggage at all - revealing the true profundity of wakefulness and so called sleep.

Realizing the non-separation of emotions and actions dispels the notion of an individual dictating distinct experiences. This insight reveals all emotional expressions and behaviors as Being, spontaneously occurring within the indivisible reality of yourself, awareness.

Flipping the coin in moments of emotional intensity un-obscures & unfetters the true nature of Being, being experience. It highlights the intrinsic guidance of emotions, allowing for flow; the harmonious expression of emotion, actions and behaviors.

This practice, if you will, alleviates the discord of struggle & strife indicative of resistance or misunderstanding emotional motives. By seeing behaviors as natural extensions, or manifestations of emotions and taking the time to fully acknowledge emotions, appreciation effortlessly & consciously reshapes the whole of experience. The entire universe as it were, of which you, consciousness, are the helm of.

Recognizing the true unity of emotions and actions, and practicing flipping the coin, offers a practical guide for navigating the dream of life. It aligns everyday experiences with the true, non-dual nature of existence. Taking pause and allowing conscious alignment begets simplicity, authenticity and ease, fostering and promoting a harmonious living deeply rooted in the truth of non-duality. This alignment of truth attracts, consciously creating, and allows one to receive experiences that reflect the wholeness, abundance and unity of Being.

Nothing Is Hidden; The Lighthouse Of Being.

Nothing is hidden.

There are no bones in these hands, only an apparent presumption, if at all.

There are no deeper layers of thought or psychology in accordance with direct experience, only potential assumptions surfacing - and truly not even.

There is no causation or mechanism of any kind occurring, inclusive of this as a response to anyone or anything.

There is no spacetime anyone is occurring in nor of; only the unified joy that is reality, appearing as notions.

There is no witness nor observer inside of an outside obscuring the intrinsic magic of wholeness.

There is no self apart from the entirety, for the entirety to fix, change or complete - or be fixed, changed or completed by.

There is no one present which was born nor for whom meaning, purpose, value, or worth actually arises.

Such a believing and fragmenting is the fun of dispelling seeking & discovering innate meaningfulness.

The apparent narrative of an illusory separate self and it’s purpose seemingly separates the whole of experience, clarifying purpose is the apparent experience - radiant and divine; in, of, and as itself.

The believing in and seeking of meaning seemingly obscures and fragments wholeness, while wholeness remains an enchanting splendor of innate meaningfulness marveling unto itself.

The narrative of an illusory self and it’s purpose seemingly divides and objectifies the wholeness and completeness essential of eternal ever-present being like a setup to a punchline; self-illuminating the truth of effortlessness, wonder, and awe - the fundamental, constitutive nature of being.

The believing of, projecting of, and ensuing seeking of value in external achievements, attainments, acknowledgments, and validations stands only to reveal the sameness of praise and blame; amplifying the mystique and awe of native, inseparably sacred and transcendent guidance attracting and allowing all which is sought.

The contractions, tension, stress, and dis-ease of self-worth, built upon illusory comparisons and conditional acceptance appear… obliterating discord and suffering like a timeless beacon; an infinite, impenetrable, unstoppable, immovable, uncompromising, and uncompromisable lighthouse of innocence.

Nothing is hidden.

The Origin.

Just prior to everything you have going on and all the complexities of life lies a profound, life-changing truth.

It waits silently and patiently to be realized.

It waits, as it cannot be packaged and presented neatly for you in words.

It is unexpected and can meet no demands.

It is all, it is prior to all, and it is true.

It is unbidden; it arrives without command or declaration, needing no invitation.

It swells in and of itself; unfolding and folding unto itself, unfolding and folding into itself.

It is invaluable.



It is neither lost nor sought; found nor finding.

It captures like a thief in the night, setting all captives free.

It comes in through the dark, out through your heart, and laughs.

It is incomprehensible; without name, face, or image.

It goes where you go, be’s what you be, and never asks for a thing.

It is your dreaming and your fulfillment.

It is the key to every door.

It will never run out.

Its potency is incomparable and knows neither of winning nor losing.

It is all that is trustworthy.

Ever-present, ever-available, limitless and abundant; it is incapable of letting you down.

It is ungraspable yet inescapable.

It is your power and belongs to no other.

The dream in your heart manifests through it, and through it alone.

Forever untouched and unseen, it showers you.

It is all, and it is all for you.

The exploration of its depths lifts you to new heights.

The contemplation of it is the liberation of itself from contemplation.

It is not what it’s about; it is the act of itself, within itself, as itself.

It is the magic, the essence, and the truth of life.

Reality Is Pure Magic.

Initially it may seem as if the world or universe is real and you are but a temporary fleeting happening within it, no more than just another human born in a series of humans born in a universe - and this is entirely false and absolutely - backwards.

In truth - you are what’s real, as in eternal, and the world or universe is - apparent.

An appearance… of - you.

How can this be?

For what is infinite, which means no finite… there isn’t - “something”, or “something else”. Thus, there is no experience for an infinite being. For a self-aware infinite being there is only, self-aware infinite being.

Yet, as there isn’t “something else” for an infinite being - there is no assertion, no restriction, no limitation nor lack or shortage of any kind whatsoever.

Therein, an infinite, formless, unlimited being can simply be, appear as - anything.

Yet again - as infinite formless unlimited unrestricted being appears as “a world”, as “experience” - because infinite being is self-aware that it is infinite - for infinite being there is no experience of “a world” or “universe”. For infinite self-aware being there is ‘still’ only, infinite self-aware being.

This is not a problem in any way for an infinitely whole, complete, eternal, unlimited, and unconditional being… as infinite being can simply appear as a means of veiling - it’s own inherent infinitude & unconditionality. Then it seems, to infinite being, that there is - that which is “not me”, such as - a world.

As infinite being veils itself, to make it seem to itself that there is ‘a world’ - there seems to be other-than infinite, or, so called ‘thoughts’, and some of these thoughts resonate with the true unconditional infinite nature of infinite being, and some of these apparent thoughts do not resonate with the true unconditional infinite nature of infinite being. Therein, experientially, via ‘it’s’ own appearing, infinite being feels the discord & alignment of, the very “thoughts” infinite being is appearing as. Thus there is, albeit apparently experiential - alignment, and discord.

A great many things - entirely presumed to be ‘real’ - seem to be persued to resolve this apparent experience of - alignment and discord. Namely, that ‘discord’ aspect, which feels most foreign to, infinite being which is, infinite & unconditional. Overlooking the inherent, intrinsic guidance of that ‘discord’, of feeing - of infinite being’s own inherent unconditionality… a resolution to a nonexistent assumed ‘problem’ is sought - in appearance, which is appearance, and is not - a thing.

In this pursuit, this seeking for a resolution to a presumed & imagined problem… infinite being ‘checks in’ a great many ‘things’ for the answer, the solution - the resolve. Peak experiences, states, others / relationships, collections of presumed material things, accomplishments, victories, acquisitions, etc, etc, etc. Happiness, fulfillment, satisfaction seems to be found, and yet lost - again & again & again, in this seeking.

Inevitably it dawns upon awareness, infinite being, that the happiness, fulfillment, satisfaction and wholeness sought and believedly found in ‘things’ - is in actuality, fleeting. A mirage of believing the happiness etc, is of, coming from, or a product or result of - things.

Therein the truth dawns upon infinite being. A remembering of what was seemingly forgotten, of what is Being, overlooked - that one Is Infinite Being, overlooking. That “time” never actually transpired. That infinite being has been appearing all along as it were, and never actually even moved, only appearing in such a manor as to make it seem to itself that it is or has.

Pure. Magic.


Not something, not something else.

Not somewhere or somewhere else.

Not other than This direct experience.

This, this so called direct experience’… This ‘perception’… This ‘thoughts’… This is “it” - This is the appearance referred to.

Just as there is no water in a mirage, there is no one “in” - an appearance. Just as there is only in actuality the truth of a mirage - The Light - THIS is The Light.

I, you, we, us, they etc - is a mirage. An apparent & presumed limitation.

THIS, is pure magic.

An ‘unfolding’ of, ‘having appeared’, which in truth is presently appearing.

There are no “external events”.

There are, lightly speaking, only expressions of infinite being. Infinite being’s appearing. Appearance.

Infinite being, which has no actual reference of having been born, of sleeping nor of death.

Infinite being, appearing as a veil, a lens-sphere, a someway-sphere… as someway of veiling itself, of itself, as itself, of its own infinitude & unconditionality… and therein appearing as thoughts, assumptions, beliefs - that it was born, sleeps, or could end - is pure, unthinkable, incomprehensible - magic.

Magically, Self-Inherently - all doing, thinking, pursuing, purpose, value, striving, attaining, accomplishing, knowing, understanding, meaning, learning, embodying, efforting, controlling, forcing, desiring, notions of worth, manipulating, will, choice, realizing, recognizing, awakening - are all revealed to be… a mirage, based on there being, a… separate self. The “one who” - does, thinks, pursues, for whom there is purpose, value or values, striving, attainment, accomplishment, knowledge, understanding, meaning, some thing to learn or embody, effort, control, force, desire, worth, manipulation, will, choice, realizations, insights, recognitions, and awakening or awakenings… is revealed to be, a mirage.

Therein, so called reality as is, is revealed to be that of, allowing, receiving, attracting.

Solely based on, the true infinite, unconditional nature of, oneself; infinite being.


Pure Magic.


Feeling, Feelings, and Emotional Guidance

Thoughts appear.

Of appearing thoughts are the thoughts ‘thinker’ and ‘thinking’. 

As thoughts are identified with (thought attachment), it seems that ‘I’m the thinker’, and or ‘I’m the one thinking’; my thoughts, my thinking.

For that separate self (which exists only in accordance with thoughts), feeling is objectified as separate objects, such as ‘feelings’. 

Therein there seems to be, ‘my feelings’ and or ‘how I feel’.


Again though, this is only in accordance with thoughts. 

In direct experience, in feeling “itself”, no actual separation is found, such that there is or could be a separate self, a ‘thinker’ ‘thinking’ which has or possesses ‘feelings’.

Feelings is a conceptualization of feeling on behalf of a separate self of thoughts. 

Emotion is how (appearing) thoughts feel. 

Put another way, awareness & ignorance is ‘there is separation’, ‘there are humans / people’ and ‘I am a human / person’, and ‘I have feelings’ / there are ‘my feelings’. 

As compared to awareness is appearing as thoughts, and emotions describe how thoughts feel, and ‘human’, ‘person’ and ‘feelings’ are, thoughts. 


Emotion is therein intrinsic guidance, as emotions describe how apparent thoughts feel, to that which is appearing as (thoughts). 

Creator-Creating-Creation creates, by appearing as.

The Magic & Profundity of Direct Experience.

Awareness of thoughts. Notice you, awareness, are not ‘in’ thoughts, but are aware of thoughts. You are the ‘space’, the awareness, in which thoughts as it were, appear. 

You, awareness, are infinite and therein can appear as anything - yet can never actually be “inside of anything”. 


Perception = ‘Now’ (only). Perception occurs directly as this present moment - and there is no exception to this regardless of any implications or contexts or contents of any thought. Thoughts might reference a past or future, but perception remains immediate and this is true without exception.


Perception appears without any thoughts appearing. Thoughts appear as if labels or interpretations of reality - only seemingly obscuring reality.


Direct experience / perception is immediate, vivid, visceral aliveness. Thoughts (which seem to be) describing direct experience -  are not actually describing.


Feel ‘inward’, deeply into sensation. Attempt to find any actual separation in sensation. Try to find any actual border, edge, beginning or ending of sensation - of aliveness. 


Then, as no actual separation is found - ‘see’ that perception is also Aliveness. 


Aliveness is not of a body. Aliveness is appearing as perception, and the thought “body”. 


This (perception) is thing-less. 


This is not “a screen”. 


There is not “someone at the other end of an internet typing”. 


There is no “electricity”. 

Awareness & The Body; Being’s being.

While the body may respond to certain situations with defense mechanisms - an intelligent and sometimes necessary response - awareness offers a subtler, more profound & surprisingly effortless approach with respect to arising preferences. Instead of defensive reactionary behavior, the simple subtle feeling of offness is ample for awareness as an inherent pointing to alignment & the true nature of awareness.


For example…

A challenging conversation arises and there is a bodily contraction, a muscular tensing or tightening. As this is not a bodily threat, but rather - is a challenging conversation - the tensing up or rigidity is not truly justifiable, and is a reaction to the belief that one is a separate self inside of a body, and the bodily reaction is a preparing to defend this separate self of thoughts. Put another way, the body is preparing to defend the belief, that awareness is finite and inside of the body. 

The ‘offness’ of this is that a belief is a thing. The relief & truth is that a belief is an appearance.

That a belief is true is illusory, and is the basis of misidentification as, a body. 

The discord felt could seem to be of the conversation, while in fact the discord felt is much more direct, and is of the belief. 

Awareness, the actuality of the body, is always ample. It is enough to be aware of the contraction & discord of the belief, which serves as a gentle pointer with respect to misalignment, the truth & true nature. 

In short, being aware of reactivity based on misidentification is ample. It’s not a problem to be solved. It’s not some thing (to be figured out). It’s a belief, and the discord of the belief is felt.

Being aware of the contraction, the belief, and the discord of the belief, and any reactivity which follows such as judgments, rationalizations or justifications - is ample.  

Of the example…

During a conversation about misidentification, anxiety & a tightness in the chest arises.

Being aware of the belief, the rationalization (anxiety)…

… and the discord of the belief…

… and the bodily reaction to the belief (the tightening)…

…is ample.

Should any further judgments, rationalizations or justifications arise, it is ample to be aware that they are. 

While one is never not present, arising beliefs and defensive rationalizations, judgements & justifications can obscure, making it seem like awareness is not aware of these thoughts (rationalizations etc).

Again, being aware of these thoughts is ample and inherently reaffirming that awareness is in fact ever-present & these phenomena, including the body, are appearing of & within awareness. Whats clarified is that you, awareness, are not a finite thing inside of a larger finite thing, but rather are the indivisible infinite awareness, aware of apparent phenomena.  

As awareness is ever-present, as in doesn’t come & go… and the body is not ever-present, and does come & go, awareness is aware that it is what’s appearing as, the thought, body.

In terms of day to day life, this shift from reaction to & defending of thoughts & beliefs, to awareness unobscured of this apparent activity, is the unobscuring of the profound truth of self-abundance, and therein the truth of effortless attracting & receiving. 

Crushing Shame; Empowerment Unleashed.

Shame is a concept.

It’s just a thought, an idea, a belief.

Therein, it’s apparent, fleeting, appears & disappears, comes & goes.

Empowerment is of the essence of that which does not come & go; that which is aware of, all thoughts, beliefs, concepts & ideas and the coming & going, appearing & disappearing of.

Dispelling The Belief In The Concept & Attachment:

  • Be aware of the thought. When the concept of shame appears, with reassuring, loving sentiment; it is enough to be aware that it is, a concept.

  • Be aware of how the thought feels. Acknowledge, affirm: The concept is discordant and does not resonate with that which is aware of, the concept.

  • Allow the underlying emotion, the guidance, to be. To be present, and to guide.

  • Acknowledge the emotion, affirm the emotion, ‘take a stand’ in the name of bodily & mental well-being, in the name of allowing, attracting, in the name of conscious creating.

  • Welcome & invite the emotion to be fully present, entirely unobscured, to obliterate any attachment with the discordant concept. Welcome the emotion Home, just as the emotion is an invitation, a welcoming Home.


  1. Visualize Stomping It Out: Imagine stomping out the concept of shame like crushing empty plastic bottles under your foot.

  2. Hear the sound.

  3. Feel the sensation.

  4. Feel the True Strength within, the True Power and freedom as you stomp it out.

Allow appreciation for the inate guidance & clarity, and remain as you infinitely eternally are; whole, complete, unconditionally unfettered, intrinsicolly fulfilled.

The Luggage Analogy; How ‘Sleep’ Reveals Thought Attachment, Suffering & The True Nature.

When you go on a flight, you check your luggage prior to boarding and pick it up after arrival. Analogously:

  • The flight is sleep.

  • The luggage is discordant thoughts.

  • The 'your' of 'your luggage' is attachment.

  • The 'you' of 'you go on a flight' is suffering.

Just as it's important to grab your luggage from the carousel and not someone else’s, it's crucial to recognize the thoughts you carry.

However, unlike checking luggage, sleep isn’t directly experienced. There might be a noticing of falling asleep and a presumption of waking up, but there's no actual experience of sleep “itself”. The thoughts "I slept" and "I woke up" are presumptions.

These thoughts serve the body, while true identity is the awareness in which these thoughts arise. Awareness isn't a passive observer of thoughts but the space as it were, in which thoughts appear and dissolve. Thoughts about a finite self are conditional, while true awareness is unconditional.

Falling asleep is the unfettering of conditions, where thoughts fizzle out and rest. What remains is ineffably unconditional. The thought "I woke up" doesn’t truly describe you; it’s simply observed within awareness.

’See’ this in direct experience directly, clearly - in trying not to be the awareness of thoughts. Instead, attempt to "be" the self of thoughts. The more you try so to speak, the clearer it becomes that awareness is your true nature.

Simply letting go of discordant thoughts before sleep and not picking them up in the morning won’t suffice. Awareness encompasses all thoughts and conditions, including dualistic self-referential thoughts, such as asleep and awake.

The Reality of Self-Deception.

Input in bold: Hello!

GPT4 in italics: Hello! How can I assist you today?

Like to get to the very bottom of this term, self-deception.

GPT4: Self-deception refers to the process of misleading oneself to accept false beliefs or interpretations of reality. It involves holding two contradictory beliefs simultaneously, where one part of the mind is aware of the truth while the other part denies it. This can occur through various mechanisms, such as denial, rationalization, or repression, allowing individuals to avoid uncomfortable truths or maintain a positive self-image.

For one to mislead oneself, requires two selves, yes?

Not true. The term "self-deception" doesn't imply two distinct selves but rather different aspects or functions of the same self. It's about the mind's ability to hold conflicting beliefs or thoughts simultaneously, often to protect oneself from uncomfortable truths.

”A process of misleading oneself” implies one which is misleading and a second which is mislead.

True. The phrase "a process of misleading oneself" does imply a dynamic where one part of the mind misleads another part. However, this doesn't necessitate the existence of two separate selves but rather different aspects or functions within a single self.

Self-deception could imply the separate self of thought is deceiving or being deceived. Yet, the separate self of thought is not a self, but is of course, thoughts.

Therein, the term self-deception could also imply Self is deceptive, and is deceiving itself. This would imply the true nature of Self is, deceptive, when in fact the true nature of Self is pure innocence.

As the separate self is in fact thoughts, the reality & actuality of the term self-deception is that it’s inherently misleading, as there is no separate self which could mislead or be mislead, neither is there (infinite) Self which is deceptive whatsoever.

More so, the actuality of believing there is self-deception, is that of the believing of thoughts, and the overlooking Self is in fact believing in, self-deception.

Your perspective highlights an important distinction between thoughts and the true nature of Self. In nondual understanding, the concept of a separate self is an illusion created by thoughts. Therefore, what is often referred to as self-deception is actually the mind's activity of believing and identifying with thoughts, rather than recognizing the true nature of Self.

The term "self-deception" is inherently misleading because it suggests a duality where none exists. Instead, it is more accurate to say that the mind can become entangled in thoughts that obscure the recognition of the true, innocent nature of Self. This process is not about one self deceiving another, but about the misidentification with thoughts that veil the reality of Self.

With brevity please, as “understanding” is a thought, and the believing of is akin to the believing of, self-deception.

True. Believing in self-deception is akin to believing in the illusion of a separate self, which is merely a thought.

Therein, saying “you are experiencing self-deception” is first the believing of thoughts & overlooking of believing thoughts, and then the projection of the discord of the overlooking, onto an “other”, which of course there isn’t, and therein the projection of self-deception is an experience on behalf of the illusory separate self of thought, and is not on behalf of Self, nor “other”, whatsoever.

True. Saying "you are experiencing self-deception" involves believing in thoughts and projecting this discord onto an "other," which is an illusion. This projection is not on behalf of the true Self but rather the illusory separate self of thought.


Being, is.

Being is, aware.

Being, awareness & consciousness are synonymous pointing terms.

Being is aware most fundamentally of thought, perception & sensation.

Being is aware thought, perception & sensation are thoughts, concepts, which point to the actuality of, Being.

Of aware Being, or, Being, which is aware.

Being is aware meaning, purpose, value & worth are thoughts Being is presently appearing as, or not.

Being is aware past, future, present & now are thoughts as well.

Being is aware self & other are thoughts.

Being is aware spacetime is a thought.

Being is aware of, Being aware.


You are Being.

Being is not you.

The Spheres Are Reality.

The somewhere-sphere is like Whoville.

Being is being the somewhere-sphere.

Being is being “Whoville”.

Being is not being a who.

Being is being Whoville; the somewhere-sphere.

The someway-sphere is like a lens which veils Being (infinite intelligence) of itself.

The lens-sphere is someway, of making it seem like there is, somewhere.

Therein, to Being, there seems to be “not-Being”.

To Being (infinite intelligence) there seems to be “finite”, and therein - thoughts (finite intelligence).

Some apparent thoughts are about Being being, a who.

Being is being the someway sphere, and Being is aware.

Being is aware of thoughts about Being being, a who.

Being is not being a who, and therein, a who is not aware.

Whos do not awaken because whos do not exist.

Being is aware of these interpretations, by being the lens-sphere, and therein, being these interpretations.

Being does not awaken, because Being is already & is eternally infinite wakefulness.

Sleep & awake is an interpretation Being is being & aware of.

Being is already being the two spheres; One appears as two.



Karma starts off as emotional guidance. ‘Listened to’, this story keeps on in accordance with arising preferences. The pure joy of being / manifesting / conscious creating.  

Not listened to, the story begins to seem against you, though of course ‘it’ isn’t against you, at all, whatsoever, zero.

‘Not listening’ as it were, creates ungrounded interpretation, which is rogue interpretation, which is misinterpretation. (Suffering, discord, Hell as it were.)


Conceptualization, or, attempts to make sense while ‘not listening’ to common sense ensues. 

Some examples:

Emotional turmoil, Confusion, Anxiety, Depression, Isolation, Shame, Regret, Self-doubt, Obsessive thinking, Compulsive behavior, Addiction, Self-sabotage, Relationship conflicts, Trust issues, Fear of the future, Fear of the unknown, Lack of purpose, Lack of direction, Feeling lost, Feeling stuck, Feeling disconnected, Feeling unworthy, Feeling unlovable, Feeling inadequate, Feeling overwhelmed, Feeling powerless, Feeling victimized, Feeling misunderstood, Feeling judged, Feeling abandoned, Feeling betrayed, Feeling resentful, Feeling envious, Feeling jealous, Feeling bitter, Feeling cynical, Feeling numb, Feeling empty, Feeling hollow, Feeling hopeless, Feeling helpless, Feeling worthless, Feeling insignificant, Feeling unimportant, Feeling invisible, Feeling rejected, Feeling excluded, Feeling isolated, Feeling disconnected from oneself, Feeling disconnected from others, Feeling disconnected from life, Feeling disconnected from reality, Feeling disconnected from the universe, Feeling disconnected from Source, Feeling disconnected from love, Feeling disconnected from joy, Feeling disconnected from peace, Feeling disconnected from abundance, Feeling disconnected from fulfillment, Feeling disconnected from purpose, Feeling disconnected from meaning, Feeling disconnected from truth, Feeling disconnected from authenticity, Feeling disconnected from wholeness, Feeling disconnected from oneness, Feeling disconnected from harmony, Feeling disconnected from balance, Feeling disconnected from flow, Feeling disconnected from alignment, Feeling disconnected from wisdom, Feeling disconnected from intuition, Feeling disconnected from guidance, Feeling disconnected from creativity, Feeling disconnected from inspiration, Feeling disconnected from passion, Feeling disconnected from vitality, Feeling disconnected from vitality, Feeling disconnected from vitality, Feeling disconnected from vitality, Feeling disconnected from vitality.


The body bears the discord & manifestation therein. 

Some examples of psychosomatic dis-order / dis-ease which arises:


Headaches, Migraines, Back pain, Neck pain, Shoulder pain, Muscle tension, Digestive issues, Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Acid reflux, Ulcers, Constipation, Diarrhea, Stomach cramps, Nausea, Loss of appetite, Eating disorders, Insomnia, Sleep disturbances, Fatigue, Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), Fibromyalgia, Joint pain, Arthritis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Psoriasis, Eczema, Acne, Rashes, Hives, Allergies, Asthma, Respiratory issues, Chronic cough, Shortness of breath, Palpitations, Chest pain, High blood pressure, Hypertension, Low blood pressure, Hypotension, Heart palpitations, Arrhythmias, Panic attacks, Anxiety attacks, Depression, Mood swings, Bipolar disorder, Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), Psychosis, Schizophrenia, Delusions, Hallucinations, Paranoia, Hypochondria, Somatization disorder, Conversion disorder, Chronic pain syndrome, Phantom limb pain, Tinnitus, Vertigo, Dizziness, Fainting spells, Seizures, Epilepsy, Tension headaches, Cluster headaches, Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction, Teeth grinding (bruxism), Jaw pain, Trigeminal neuralgia, Bell's palsy, Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), Fibromyalgia, Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction, Trigeminal neuralgia, Chronic pelvic pain syndrome, Endometriosis, Vulvodynia, Vaginismus, Erectile dysfunction, Premature ejaculation, Painful intercourse, Urinary retention, Interstitial cystitis, Irritable bladder syndrome, Vulvodynia, Vaginismus, Erectile dysfunction, Premature ejaculation, Painful intercourse, Urinary retention, Interstitial cystitis.



Karma starts off as emotional guidance - and never changes, never becomes anything else at all. 

If it seems so, that is a rogue interpretation, or, a misinterpretation. 

The Presumption of Emotional Emptiness.

In accordance with the activity of thought, there seems to be a world full of ten thousand things.

Therein it’s presumed you are one of these things of thought, in a world among things… and therein fullness is sought.

Yet, fullness is sought on behalf of a thing of thoughts, believed to be in a world of ten thousand things.

Amidst the labelling of ten thousand things, Being is objectified as separate finite beings.

Inherently therein, in accordance with thought, Being is subjectified as the separate finite knower of ten thousand things and separate beings.

From this interpretation arises all experientially believed & therein felt… dissatisfaction, lack, shortage, neediness, clinginess, anxiety, depression, loneliness, manipulation, corruption, deception, greed, envy, vanity, hostility, resentment, isolation and alienation.

A strategy of getting more is unwittingly employed to fill the emptiness, with more things, on behalf of a thing.

Unnoticed, is, the activity of thought.

Fullness refers to what is sought.

What is sought is not full of things.

Not ten thousand; not even two.

What is seeking, is not a thing.

Now one; not even two.

The seeking is the activity of thought, which is the aversion from, the emotions (already) felt.

Interpretations are felt; emotion.

Emotion can be suppressed ten thousand ways, with ten thousand interpretations of ten thousand things.

While emotion unflinchingly prevails.

The true nature isn’t changing in accordance with any interpretations of the true nature.

The true nature is appearing as the interpretations.

And the guidance (emotion) as well.

The emptied mind is emptied of the ten thousand interpretations.

The emptied mind is the un-suppression of emotion.

The emptied mind is filled, with & as the fullness sought; the uninterpretable, unthinkable, unbelievable, un-recontextualizable - true nature.

The true nature of the emptied mind is none of the appearing contextualizations, and is the illuminating fullness sought, appearing as.



What is it like, being present, noticing thought stories of others, other times, other places… ten thousand things?

Expression, and therein emptying of discord, and therein healing - rather than believing.

Gravity & Internalizing on Behalf of a Separate Self.

What do internalizing on behalf of a separate self & gravity have in common?

Nothing… as neither actually exist.

Yet, notice the similarity…

There is no such thing as negative, negative energy, negative emotions, negative feelings, bad feelings or feeling bad. These are concepts. These are experienced as thoughts, as interpretations of perception & sensation. These are conceptualizations of perception & sensation, and ultimately, of Self.

There is also no such thing as states of consciousness or higher & lower consciousness. These are also concepts. These are experienced as conceptualizations of perception & sensation. Of, Self / You / Yourself, awareness.

As these concepts are believed, it’s inherently, simultaneously believed, that there is “a knower”. A self which is separate of perception and sensation, which observes, learns, has insights, understands and knows about, perception & sensation. You / Self / Yourself, awareness.

Imagine spending your life as it were believing thoughts that you are a unicorn, without even noticing. Simply because it’s not true, the interpretation would feel discordant.

Imagine everyone or nearly everyone also seems to believe they are a unicorn and there are unicorns. This would of course be mass delusion, as obviously there aren’t unicorns.

All of these misinterpretations and therein “mis-wirings” in terms of emotions would be felt, yet, the concepts being so convincing could continue to be believed.

Imagine everyone believes this nonetheless, in spite of how off it feels, and creates solutions to this problem for everyone else. For all the other unicorns.

Imagine there are even teachers of spirituality, of Truth, believing there are unicorns & that they themself are a unicorn… and teaching accordingly.

Now stop imagining and notice - this is not imaginary, this is reality. That reality is nearly entirely conceptualized, right down to identity, is ostensibly indicative of the current situation.

Now imagine one more aspect. Imagine everything you’ve learned from society and from spiritual teachers about the unicorn situation… is believed. Not your beliefs per se, but just - beliefs… which were / are deeply believed & continue to be taught academically & spiritually, reinforcing the beliefs.

And so now, you’re believing the same thing as it were. You’re simply innocently believing what you’ve been told & taught by self-proclaimed authority figures in academia & spirituality.

You’ve internalized beliefs which simply don’t resonate with the truth because they were / are… innocently… believed.

What’s this have to do with gravity?

Gravity is a concept. As the reality that reality is apparent, appearance, is overlooked and these conceptualizations based on separation are believed… it’s believed there is gravity; some mysterious opposite-to-creation force holding “all” the “separate things” down.

Note that the experience of gravity is a thought, an interpretation, a concept, a conceptualization… by noticing gravity isn’t actually seen in perception nor found in sensation. Focus directly on perception & sensation, allowing beliefs to untangle naturally, allowing alignment & simply being as yourself, allowing the un-conceptualizing of - you, consciousness.

What’s this have to do with internalizing?

Take, so to speak, all of the academic and spiritual teachings based on conceptualizations… on separation… and throw them in the garbage. Not in spite, and not with any resentment or animosity, as all is innocence… rather… simply for how it feels to do so. With respect, with compassion for how it feels, wish this very same alignment & well-being on ‘their’ behalf as well, and feel the alignment as you do.

If you’ve been bamboozled, deceived, convinced by these so called teachers & teachings… it’s highly likely that additional beliefs, and perhaps even some reliance of substances, experiences and or ‘others’ to ‘cope’ have already ensued.

Examples might be;

“I don’t get it” (what I’ve been convinced someone else gets).

“I don’t know” (what I’ve been convinced someone else knows).

“I don’t have enough understanding” (of what I’ve been convinced someone else understands).

“I’m not high enough consciousness” (in accordance with having been convinced there are levels or degrees of infinite consciousness).

“I don’t have enough experience” (in accordance with having been convinced understanding, emotional intelligence, awakening / enlightenment, etc… are somehow related to or come from experience).

These comparative thoughts have no actual basis in reality, as what’s believed to be compared doesn’t actually exist and isn’t actually experienced. The so called teachers & teachings may have been experienced, yet what the concepts are about, or what the concepts point to - isn’t.

The actuality of experience is that of these as conceptualizations of reality, on behalf of a separate self which is of thoughts (experience) - which is thoughts… and is not a self.

These are concepts based on unicorns, and you are not a unicorn. Yet, with confidence & repetition, these concepts can be deeply believed & engrained, in spite of the discord / suffering felt. In spite of the glaring effects on your life, relationships & consciously creating as it were.

In large part so to speak, this occurs via trust. Trust in teachers. Yet, trust is synonymous with belief & believing.

Trust & believing could very well be said to be opposite to… inspecting, feeling, actually allowing alignment & well-being, and actually finding out.

As just one example of feeling an emotion vs believing unicorn concepts & suppressing emotions… consider blame.

As concepts… the mind, so to speak, seems to ‘wander off’ into a past, blaming someone. Life is blamed. Society is blamed. Other is blamed. The ‘energy’ is blamed. Lack (of understanding, knowledge, consciousness, higher consciousness, etc) is blamed. The concept of shame might even be employed. You might even believe you are to be blamed, are at fault, or should be or deserve to be punished. You might be looking for someone or something to blame, to ‘solve the riddle’ of what ‘caused’ this discord / suffering.

As emotion, blame is how the interpretation(s) feels.

Appreciation For “The Void”.

Light and… Light - does not make for experience.

For there to seem to be experience for The Light, The Light must be said experience… and veil itself of its own infinitude & unconditionality.

Then it seems like there’s other-than The Light; life, a universe, a world - experience… and a mystery of, light.

Through the void, the darkness Being is being… through The Face of The Deep; Let There Be Light… and it is so.

Being be’s somewhere and someway in the simplest most efficient manor possible; a sphere of somewhere and a sphere of someway.

Consider the analogy of & the direct experience of dreams. Never has there been a dream which didn’t seem to transpire somewhere, and by which there was not someway of experiencing the somewhere, as someone, which you, in your sleep as it were, were being. A world and a way you were being, simply by dreaming. A world which can indeed seem quite real, until of course - you awaken. To awaken is to realize somewhere and someway were in truth your own being.

One appearing as two.

Not-two, appearing as somewhere and someway.

Perfection, being an apparent experience of imperfection.

Ineffable Goodness, seemingly good & evil.

Eternal wholeness, ostensibly expanding.

The everlasting, being transience.

Infinite, presuming finite, seeking infinite.

Unconditional, apparent conditions, seeking unconditionality.

The unspeakable love, joy & wonder of being, all compliments of forgetting.

Of overlooking.

Of being.

Life; truly an ode to, The Void.
