The Immutable Laws

Immutable: not capable of or susceptible to change.

The Immutable Laws are that which is already the case, prior to thought & belief,
and a joy to be discovered, seen and shared.

The Law of Divine Oneness

Everything is connected to, with, as - is - everything else. All seeming separation is in actuality one indivisible inseparable whole, and thus what is thought, said, done, believed & focused upon does indeed not only shape direct experience, but also cascades correspondingly for all. This is sometimes pointed to with the terms ‘butterfly effect’, Oneness, and Nonduality, or, ‘not two’.

“In reality, which means in our actual experience, all experience is one seamless substance. The duality between the inside self and the outside object, world or other is never actually experienced.
It is always imagined.”
Rupert Spira

Law of Vibration

The experiential universe which seemingly consists of physically separate people and things is in actuality vibrationally apparent. ‘You’ are a vibrational being. As the universe is vibration, there is no actuality of separation; there is apparent, seeming, assumed separation.

All seemingly fixed or separate things & objects, are in actuality vibrationally robust, ineffable, undefinable, unconditional “energy”. All ‘things’ are not only interconnected but ‘move’, unfold, in unseen yet discernible circular oscillational patterns. Each ‘thing’, including sounds, thoughts, emotions & desires is frequency.

Some terms which point to this Law - that experience, reality, creation is a vibration of Divine Oneness are The Circle of Life, The Golden Ration, Pie, Going Full Circle, Spiral Dynamics, The Fibonacci Sequence, DNA, Atomic & Quantum Mechanics, The Path and The Spiral Of Life, Aliveness, Wholeness and Completeness.

The Law of Vibration is the Law of Divine Oneness ‘hidden in plain sight’ and is the most fundamental key to conscious creator-ship. To acknowledge & recognize the truth of the universe being vibrational appearance, please visit The Emotional Scale.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
Nikola Tesla

“Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter.”
Albert Einstein

Law of inspired Action

The Law of Inspired Action points to apparent action indicative of a vibrationally apparent being seemingly in a vibrationally apparent universe. The Law of Action states that in aiming to manifesting one’s dream, one must allow alignment of thought with feeling, which is synonymous with inspired action.

Motivation is action with a motive, and is a facade of thoughts about a separate self - doing. The chief motive is along the lines of - so I’ll feel better, be happier, more whole, complete and fulfilled. The indirect underlying belief is that you are not already happiness, whole & complete beyond measure.

Alignment of thought with feeling is alignment of vibrational being with infinite being - that which is vibrationally appearing. Put another way, it is the alignment of a creator, with and as - The Creator, such that the implication of two is dispelled & obliterated. Inspiration means in-spirit-in-action.

Alignment is often pointed to with terms like equanimity of the mind, body & emotions, being ‘in spirit’ or ‘spirited’, flow or flow state, streaming or stream entry, authenticity, honesty, sincerity, humility or most simply - being.

“What a man can be, he must be. This need we call self realization”.
Abraham Maslow

“If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you.
If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.”
Gospel of Thomas

You can definitely vacuum without it being plugged in,
but you won’t really be getting much done.”
Esther Hicks

Law of Correspondence

The Law of Correspondence states, from the micro to the macro - the Whole of experience - that what’s experienced as around us is vibrationally synchronistic - a perfect match - to what’s going on within us. This is the case not only for direct experience, but collectively as well.

This law is sometimes referred to with the analogy of ‘rose colored glasses’; when one is wearing rose colored glasses, indeed, all seems rose colored and reality is not ‘seen as it is’.

The Law of Correspondence highlights alignment of thought with feeling (and no longer attempting to align feeling with thought). This law also highlights the right-now-only guidance of emotion, for right-now thought(s).

For example, when there is an experience of the thought(s) that someone is wrong, bad or evil… what’s felt is, judgement. The judgement is not felt by the judged; only by ‘the judge’.

As another example, when experience is ‘held’ to be someone’s fault - all the world, the whole of experience… is ‘colored’ with the tinted glasses of blame. When the guidance of emotion is acknowledged and respectfully (and often humbly) received, it is revealed the undesirable emotion of blame is how the thought feels. So too for anger and other discordant emotions. As The Buddha said, anger is like holding a hot coal while believing someone else is feeling the burn.

To recognize The Law of Correspondence is to recognize you are the creator of your reality; you truly hold the power. In recognition of Divine Oneness; ‘praise & blame are all the same’. Rather than go down the road of ‘toxic people’, or us and them thinking; employ self-respect in acknowledging the burn of and the guidance for; judgement, othering and separatism.

The ‘rose colored glasses’ effect of un-inspected judgements can play a role in undesirable discordant cycles and patterns repeating. What focus is lended to, more of is experienced - without exception. If someone or something doesn’t resonate - drop it. Rather than judge, blame or fault - no longer lend focus or attention to it.

What you allow around you shows up within you; what you allow within you shows up around you. Such is the poignant message of not eating from the ‘tree of the knowledge of good & evil’. To ‘eat from the tree’ is to mistake believing, for “knowing”, and to ‘put it in you’ - to adorn the rose colored glasses. If & when you do believe that you know good from evil, what is overlooked is the nondual nature of Goodness - that there is no such thing as evil. Tempting as it may be - judgement is not an exception to focus and that whatever focus is lent to, more of is experienced. It is in this way you are creating your reality effortlessly.

In thinking over what and where you lend your focus, consider what energizes & inspires you and what drains & depletes you. Keep in mind that what can be draining and depleting for one can very well be energizing & inspiring for another. Also bear in mind while experience can influence how you feel and how you react - how you feel is influencing what you experience. Rather than react, essentially ‘going with’ feeling reactively - take pause and… respond in alignment. As you do, watch your reality, relationships & endeavors quite astoundingly match the vibration you’re offering. Experience infectiousness and inherent attraction-ness of ‘getting out of your own way’ this first hand. Allow the universe as it were to reveal it’s magical playfulness.

One way to feel the Law of Correspondence at work is to recognize projection. As you’re experiencing thoughts and employing behaviors and actions - question first - is it discordant, or aligned?

To allow The Law of Correspondence in action is to allow introspection. Allow the situations, circumstances and experiences to reveal any inner ‘work’ to be done / limiting beliefs to be inspected & dispelled. This is liberation, and ‘seeing reality as it is’.

When the ‘inner world’ of thought, emotion and feeling are allowed to align - the ‘outer world’ miraculously begins to change in accordance with what you desire, envision and focus upon.

Law of Cause and Effect

Keeping The Law of Divine Oneness in mind, the Law of Cause & Effect points out there is in actuality no luck, chances, randomness, chaos or odds. There is an experience of the thoughts, but like the word unicorn, there isn’t an actuality which the thoughts point to. Experience, creation - the spheres, are One indivisible Whole.

This Law is sometimes referred to as “We Reap What We Sow”, or “The Golden Rule”, and it pertains to all thoughts, behaviors, actions, communications and all creations within & as, divine creation. It’s not about the giving of things such as money or objects, though there’s certainly nothing wrong with that. It’s about giving yourself, the real unconditional you - to the ordinary - an infusion which impossibly transmutes the ordinary into the extraordinary.

The Law of Cause & Effect also points to the lessor known Law of Deservedness which states that you are inherently, indisputably deserving. This law truly highlights the importance of genuine expression as an ongoing exercise or practice as it is entirely possible, when just beginning to contemplate The Immutable Laws - to be saying one thing, and yet unknowingly & more deeply believing something else in regard to yourself.

To spot, or bring into the light any underlying yet-to-be-noticed discordant beliefs, one need only look to how one feels, and or the circumstances of one’s own life to begin to realize the correspondence therein. To transmute said underlying beliefs, is to bring the belief to it’s source, or to bring the source within you to the illuminating & transmuting of the belief.

Be the change you wish to see in the world”
Mahatma Gandhi

“…I really came into being the day I no longer cared about what the world thought of me; only on my thoughts for changing the world.”
- Suzy Kassem

Perception creates possibility, and possibility creates reality.”
- Abhijit Naskar

Change your perspective and the world will change for you.”
- Shesh Nath Vernwal

Law of Compensation

The Law of Compensation is sometimes referred to as “You Get What You Give”, or “You Get Out What You Put In”. This Universal Law applies to the infinite abundance that is readily available & provided for us in accordance with our thoughts, intentions, actions, behaviors and words. The visible effects of our deeds are bestowed upon us as kindness, gifts, money, inheritances, opportunities, friendships & blessings. Yet, much, much more so - the giver of unconditional love, of selflessness, can not help but bask in the love that Is.


“To be successful, the first thing to do is fall in love with your work.”
Sister Mary Lauretta

“You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.”
Mark Twain

“Your work is to discover your work and then with all your heart to give yourself to it.”

Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction denotes how we create the experiential ‘things’, events, circumstances and situations of our lives. Our thoughts, emotions, words, and actions perpetually transmute “energy” into vibration which in turn attracts like, similar energies, or ‘things’, events & circumstances in kind. Focus upon wanted attracts desired circumstances, relationships & outcomes.

The Law of Attraction is the recognition of the right-now-synchronicity, and the appreciation resulting in coherence of the vibration of your desires, with the vibration of your thoughts, emotions and inspired actions.

The universe is fundamentally & eternally unconditional. Effortlessly & intrinsically, simply by experiencing, preferences are created and arise naturally within and manifest effortlessly. These preferences are made manifest ‘in the physical’ by the inexplicable magic of focus, which by The Law Of Divine Oneness, is always (quite literally) breathing life into creation. For a deeper & more intimate understanding of The Law of Attraction please visit The Emotional Scale.

If you experience dedicating your focus and energy to The Law of Attraction, only to find “it doesn’t work”, look to The Law of Correspondence, and of Transmutation, and give special care & attention to The Law of Deservedness.

If something you want is slow to come to you, it can be for only one reason:
You are spending more time focused upon its absence than you are about its presence. If.

Esther Hicks

Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

All persons have within them the power to change the conditions of their lives. Higher vibrations transform lower vibrations; thus, each of us can change the energies in our lives by understanding the Universal Laws and applying the principles in such a way as to effect change in accordance & alignment with our desires.

Mastery of this Law can be initially elusive, as it is the ever-presence of consciously creating, or, the fundamental simplicity of focusing upon the better feeling thought, and the relinquishing of focusing upon that which does not resonate with what is preferred or wanted.

This Law is often referred to as “Turning Pain Into Beauty”, “Rising From The Ashes”, “Being The Phoenix”, and “Being Your Own Hero”.

That which you might one day believe to be a source of pain, guilt, or shame can - by the transmutative power within you - transform your mind & life, unleashing the lion within.

Law of Relativity

The Law of Relativity points to the ineffable actuality & acuity of there being no absolute truth of luck, randomness, chance or coincidence. This applies to everything from the current state of the planet and all of it’s ongoings, to a single text, phone call or email you receive.

The whole of experience is whole, and is relative to and inseparable of Divine Oneness, and as such the lessons & opportunities to align - to enrich, deepen and enlighten - are always presenting themselves.

The profound beauty of The Law of Relativity, is that it perpetually points to the intrinsic and ever-available guidance of that which is & is not.

The Law of Relativity is without exception and states that there is nothing within experience which is not apparent (relative), and awareness of this is being in accordance with awareness of The Law of Divine Oneness.

“When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”
Max Planck

"How wonderful that we have met with a paradox. Now we have some hope of making progress."
Neils Bohr

The Law of Polarity

The Law of Polarity points to the heart of the nature & actionable aspect of creation; focus & thought. This Law states that experience is whole, and is a continuum without an opposite. All apparent thoughts within the continuum have an apparent opposite, by which meaning, language, communication & togetherness in Divine Oneness can be.

Up essentially means not down, and down means not up. Left means not right, and right means not left. The thought that there is an exception to The Law of Polarity can rightfully be met with the thought that there is no exception to the Law of Polarity.

There is always the opportunity to focus upon the opposite of a discordant feeling thought. That is, when focused upon what you do not want, what you do want is never hidden from you or out of feeling-sight; you’re feeling the guidance of Divine Consciousness as a creator.

Focus upon discordant or undesirable thoughts creates undesirable interpretations, perspectives, expectations, relationships, experiences & outcomes. Focus upon aligned, or, resonating desirable thoughts, in accordance with the goodness of feeling, are infused by the true nature, and thus create desirable interpretations, perspectives, expectations, relationships, experiences & outcomes.

The Law of Polarity is often referred to as “The Law of Mental Vibration”, or most simple put, ‘your vibration’.

The expansion of the ‘finite mind’ equates to the deepening of the realization that all polarity is an impression of thoughts. Non-attachment to thought leads to, uncovers, the realization of the ineffable completeness and creativity of infinite mind, and the true wholeness of experience that is the divine true nature. That is, there is no greater wisdom or joy than that of the mind discovering, being & sharing, that which it is made of.

Law of Rhythm

Everything vibrates and moves with, to & in rhythm with everything else. These rhythms establish seasons, cycles, stages of development, births & deaths, and all patterns within the Universe, as well as within you. Each cycle reflects the divine regularity, equanimity, and fairness of infinite being & the truth of creator-creating-creation.

Mastery of The Law of Rhythm is the transcendence of the ‘finite self’ of thoughts, and the seeing of the ‘bigger picture’, and correspondingly abiding in, as and of the true nature in times of peace, as well as in times of great challenge & adversity.

A pointing to the dignity of The Law of Rhythm; ‘what must be created is created, what must be experienced is experienced, and what must be destroyed is destroyed’.

Wisdom is knowing I am nothing,
love is knowing I am everything;
and between the two my life moves.

Nisargadatta Maharaj

Know yourself as nothing; feel yourself as everything.”
Rupert Spira

“From the day we arrive on the planet - and blinking, step into the sun… there's more to see than can ever be seen, more to do than can ever be done. There's far too much to take in here. More to find than can ever be found - but the sun rolling high through the sapphire sky keeps great and small on the endless round . It's the Circle of Life and it moves us all. Through despair and hope, through faith and love, till we find our place on the path unwinding, in the circle - The Circle of Life.”
Tim Rice

“Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head”

Law of Gender

The Law of Gender is manifest in all things as ‘masculine and feminine’, and all combinations & mixtures therein, originated by the primordial ‘swirl’ of Divine Oneness. It is this Law that manifests & governs what we know as The Law of Polarity, and the true wholeness of experience, or, that-there-is-creation.

This Law decrees everything in nature carries within itself both aspects of masculine and feminine, and that both are required not only for life to exist, but for one to self-realize.

This Law is seen clearly as the transcendental vantage point, to the apparent polarity of adaptation vs conscious creation. It is the ‘stirring’ that is all desires.

The Law of Gender is often said to be the gateway to the realization and actualization of profound compassion, empathy - the whole of experience and the true selflessness of infinite being, in accordance with The Divine Law of Oneness.

“When you make the two one, and when you make the inside as the outside, and the outside as the inside, and the upper as the lower, and when you make the male and the female into a single one, so that the male is not male and the female not female, and when you make eyes in place of an eye, and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image, then shall you enter [the kingdom].”