Creator-Creating-Creation Journaling

Your attention as it were is no small thing - it intrinsically creates.

In thought, there is a subject and an object. In believing thoughts, it is believed you are the subject & there are exterior, separate, objects. In truth, reality is an appearance within, of and for - you.

The universe exists - for & as, you.

Of the infinite potentiality you are, as the creator you are - allow yourself the gift of yourself.

The gift of the truth of yourself, the gift that is the present.

Check figuring out & solving at the door.

Take a few deep stomach breaths and relax, head to toes.

Write down what you want unabashedly. Anything from a sandwich in an hour, to a million dollars, to a deep sense of purpose, belonging and connection.


Don’t filter, critique or compare - don’t think about how you’ll go about it or get it.

Let go of the how.

Focus upon the what.

Just write down whatever comes to mind that you actually want to have, do, be, or experience, no matter how outlandish, no matter what anyone else might think, no matter what your present concerns or situation might be.

As you do, notice - be aware;

Thoughts of wanted attract more thoughts of wanted.

Feel the feeling of alignment; ‘that feeling’ is yourself.

Allow the potentiality of your true nature, by allowing all possibilities to come to mind.

Imagine being there, having what you want, experiencing what you want. Close your eyes and imagine you are there. Forget about before there. Let go of now. Be only there. Imagine the sight, sounds, smells & sensations - the general & whole feeling of being there. Feel the natural intrinsic appreciation for creation, and for the experience of being a conscious creator.

Imagine & feel the already-having of it, to the tune you feel the certainty & awesomeness that you indeed absolutely & wholeheartedly are deserving, worthy, capable and divinely loved.

Note this feeling.

Recognize the ever-present accessibility, and limitless possibilities of this feeling.