Improv writing

Improv writing is one of the simplest and most efficient & effective vehicles of creativity. It develops a deeper connection with imagination via the spontaneous actuality of the present moment.

Improvisation is timeless spontaneous creation,
- being -
without preparation or forethought.

The spirit of improv writing is:


Start with any idea that arises - there is no ‘wrong’! Write the idea down, and then say “yes…and” and then write whatever thought or idea pops up as to what happens next.

Improv writing is all about the flow & spontaneity of true, genuine, in-the-now unconditional acceptance, or being. By positioning the mind with the simplest of premises - “yes, and…”, mind attunes with the actuality of non dual reality, or, pure Goodness in which all is possible.

This practice is significantly impactful in regard to letting go of, or, no longer focusing on thoughts of doubt or second guessing. It is the allowance of the intrinsic effervescence of the creator - that is fun - to unabashedly, unapologetically - be & create!

This practice has long been known to part the clouds of seriousness, and illuminate sincerity & lightheartedness. Practitioners effortlessly develop trust in source, presence in being, and confidence & empowerment in realizing one can not ‘get it wrong’.