The Dreamboard
What is it?
An apparent dry erase board, on which arising preferences & desires are written. Essentially what’s written on the board, is the dream which is already within you, and which can be realized & manifested. What you write is entirely up to you.
What do I write on it?
Anything! To get started, keep it simple - think of what you want to eat today, and write that. Do your best not to overthink it. If you want a car, write that. If you want a sandwich, write ‘sandwhich’. If you want a coffee, write ‘coffee’. If you want to move out & get an apartment or a house, to go on a retreat or take a vacation, to change jobs or careers, or create a new company - anything that comes to mind that you want - write that. There is nothing too big or too small, there is no right or wrong - there is wanted… arising preferences.
The more you add to it, the clearer preferences, desires & interests are. With each day you go to bed and see it again in the morning, more clarity arises in seeing what used to ‘float around as thoughts’, right in front of you - from a bird’s eye view.
Why create one?
Manifesting the dream within you and experiencing it ‘in the flesh’ is the most satisfying possibility of all experience and is the greatest contribution possible on behalf of your brothers, sisters & world - your creating, your creation. No words can truly communicate what exemplification so perfectly & silently speaks. It is the allowing of Self, into the world Self is being.
The dreamboard isn’t separate, and therein is a means of unveiling & unfettering the ineffable magic of reality, of being or experience if you will, of creating - of Self.
Inspiration, self-recognition, awakening, enlightenment - and all ‘the stuff’ - effortlessly, via expression & alignment. Boldly write what’s wanted. Keep it between ‘you & You’. Lifestyle, changes, relationships, prosperity, abundance & all experience desired to manifest and actually be experienced - write it on the board.
More so though, what is the tangible significance of this in my life?
Navigating relativity, consciously. Attracting, consciously. Conceptualizations of life & the passing of time might arise, but in truth conscious creating is now, or not at all. The thrill, the ‘juice’, the ‘electricity’ of consciously creating - is far greater than the pleasures of the ten thousand things. But of course, you can have your cake & eat it too. Again, it’s ‘why you came’. It’s literally whatever you have in mind. What you write on the board manifests, because you are the creator. Creating is the ‘why’ of being.
It can’t be as easy as you’re describing it.
Use the emotional scale, as well as the other tools. When using the emotional scale - be sure to complete the emotional scale. Don’t stop short on “your self” - walk ‘your’ ‘self’ all the way ‘back to’, Self.
Feel the sensibility of allowing discordant thoughts to be as they naturally are, which is, to appear & disappear, to come & go. You are the creator and you are more powerful than you could ever know or believe.
Focus - is more powerful, more relevant, and more effortless than yet noticed & appreciated. This is precisely what is recognized in creating a dreamboard and using the tools, as healing occurs & limiting beliefs are therein dispelled.
What kind of dry erase board is best?
Large, double sided, on wheels, with an array of colorful dry erase markers.
How to use it?
Write whatever comes to mind, that you want. That’s it.
Not what you believe you’re supposed to want or do. Let your brothers & sisters make their own boards. Feel the peace of this.
Not what you believe you need - what you want. Most often, what you believe you need, is actually what you want.
Not anything about ‘you’ - what you want. Whatever you want to experience. This includes anything & everything you want to be, as whatever you are being, you are aware of & experiencing.
How does it work though… like for real, just tell me how it works.
Be realistic to what is, so to speak, to ‘where you’re at’, or, what is ‘true for you’. Bypassing, vs inspecting and understanding beliefs and any discord therein which arises - does not ‘work’. You are The Creator. If the dreamboard “doesn’t work” - the emotional scale does. Use it, and then come back to the dreamboard.
Do not write “$1,000,000” and “my own island” on your board and hold the expectation for it to manifest, if in earnestly and sincerely, you believe this is not possible. Start simply with something smaller. To ‘test it out’, write something far less significant with respect to any limiting beliefs. This might be elephants, cardboard, or key rings. Anything which there is little to no attachment with / to / about. Something which when thought of, feels free, easy, less significant, free of attachment, free of any pressure or expectations. Write that on the board - and you’re done. Then bring focus to perception & feeling through out your day as you experience the ever-playful universe ‘showing you’, appearing as - being - that which you wrote. Notice the ‘winks’, revel in the synchronicity.
If there is certainty of that which you wrote, the universe will be - and in this case, awesome. There is nothing to add here.
If there is uncertainty - believe that what you write will manifest. Believe in yourself. That is not to say, ‘believe what you’re being told here’, nor ‘believe you are the separate self of thoughts’, but rather, check direct experience. Believe in the potentiality of being. See it first hand as perception. Words can only point, it’s the actuality which is miraculous. It’s feeling which is the guide & guidance, not the words, not any ‘teachers’ or ‘teachings’.
If you aren’t comfortable with believing, or, listening to feeling - then just be open minded. Be willing to be open minded. Be willing to simply not know, to remain inconclusive - to see for yourself.
What is the backside for?
Inspection. The vantage point of ‘what you’re thinkin’, written on the board, is a bird’s eye view which is far superior in terms of allowing clarity in regard to thoughts, vs trying to make sense of the activity of thought ‘swirling around in the ether’ (“in your head”). This can be most useful for inspecting the ‘tricky nature’ of Self Referential Thoughts and Subject Object Thoughts. This is ‘getting out of your own way’, dispelling discordant beliefs - allowing alignment.
How does this all change my experience of life, and my understanding of reality? Please, just spit it out. Just tell me what you’re really trying to say here.
The direct experience can only speak for itself. These words are the handful of beans. The manifestation is the beanstalk. The actuality is the only reliable testimony, as therein testimony was merely a pointing. Embrace non-conceptualization. Allow the activity of thought to be a smaller and smaller portion of the Whole of experience. Be where you are, with, as, what is. Enjoy this everlasting moment first & formost. Allow what you are wanting to come to you, to ‘show up’ in this ‘now’. Allow the magic of being the chance, and you will not be disappointed.
What does the dreamboard have to do with the emotional scale?
Writing what you want on your board is affirmative & validating of, and you could say breathes life into, creates - what you want. There is indeed a Source of this wanting, of so called desire, and there is indeed a seed within you to be planted which will flourish. This ‘Source’ is The Truth. The affirming & expressing of your wanting, is most connective. Allowing begets alignment, and alignment dispels even ‘connectivity’.
This is inherently ‘shadow work’, or, ‘shining the light of awareness’ on any limiting discordant beliefs. Beliefs which sound like ‘I can’t’, are dispelled by alignment, by Truth.
These beliefs, while not things or objects in time, will arise to naturally ‘come up and out’, or simply put, naturally be let go - because they are in discord with what is natural, Truth, Creator-Creating-Creation. What might presently seem ‘woo woo’, or ‘just wishful thinking’ - too good to be possible - will come to be known & recognized as, the common sense.
Just like with the experience of any relationship, some discordant beliefs are naturally illuminated… so it is with communion, the not-of-this-world ‘relationship’ between ‘you and You’. What’s been bothering you, what’s been discordant, will naturally be illuminated, dispelled, seen through, relinquished - burned away by the light within.
What’s dispelled & seen through are conceptualizations of yourself and reality. Misinterpretations of old, of conditioning, of who you really are.
I understand the way to start here is to make a dreamboard, and make use of the tools. But how do I literally start the “conscious creating”? What do I… do?
Conscious creating is not a doing, and is not a ‘new thing’ or ‘way’, which you learn. Quite similar to meditation, conscious creating is allowing - receiving. The use of the dreamboard, and of the tools like the emotional scale… reveal the truth - that you are already creating reality effortlessly by being.
Again, that may very well seem like an outlandish claim, and this is why The Truth is referred to as absolute, or, The Truth. The Truth can not be thought, as in ‘thunk’. The direct experience of using the dreamboard, and the tools… truly - can not be explained, and can not be, technically, understood. To believe it could be, would be to believe one can think the taste of a double chocolate, chocolate frosted donut with chocolate sprinkles. The thought of the taste is not the taste.
What about with relationships? I know you’re not about to tell me that I can manifest the ideal partner here.
Yep. Works for that too. Already is. The difference lies in the ‘consciously’, of consciously creating. The universe is being me and you and all that is - isn’t it so? It be’s them too. Take a moment to reflect on past relationships. What resonated, what didn’t? What was fun & easy, what was difficult? What did I attract, and why? In terms of wanted - what was clarified?
The universe is the only teacher. Words can only point to what is ineffably already guiding. One must listen, and ‘go and see’.
Alright. Maybe I’ll try this out. What if I don’t know what to write on my dreamboard? What if I don’t know what I want?
If the aim is to discover what you do want, notice the habit of focusing on what you don’t want. Use the simple tool of Improv Writing, to change that habit to consciously (and effortlessly) focusing on what you do want, by more or less simply applying the ‘rule’ of: “Yes…and”.
On a piece of paper, write a list of everything experience has revealed that you don’t want. Then write the opposite of each of those on your dreamboard.
It feels really nice to experience seeing the board filled with lots of what you do want, since inherently what you do want feels good, to you. Mindfully create; be mindful you are a, the, creator. Be mindful there is no rewind, no stop, and no fast forward. There is only play, and this is already the case.
What about ‘God powers’ and stuff like that? Like, if I write on my dreamboard I want to be able to fly, given what you’re saying here, shouldn’t that come true?
While there definitely is ‘flying’, often referred to as floating, streaming or stream entry, oneness, or most simply, wakefulness… this question brings about the matter of ego, of identity. While in truth, no one can tell anyone they can’t fly - as it were, you’d have to stop being gravity first. Be most open minded… perhaps what is, as is, is already the perfection in which you begin consciously creating. Consider - what is the second half of a movie, without the first, without the story, without the stage having been already set. Such is the miracle of now, and that there truly is no past. Such is the ‘unfolding’ of This.
In terms of attracting, what about bad or negative thoughts, or thoughts about stuff I don’t want to happen to me or people I know? If I start attracting or consciously creating, is there a chance I start attracting that also?
Just as you are attracting, so too is everyone else. You aren’t attracting on behalf of anyone else, no one is attracting on your behalf. We are all collectively attracting, and we can all help each other to consciously create.
There is no source of bad or negative, and no source of what you don’t want to happen. Analogously, focusing upon an empty gas tank doesn’t result in a change of scenery. Similarly, focusing upon what is undesirable, and or the absence of wanted, doesn’t result in the changes one desires. There is a source, and ‘it’ is Good, and the alignment of thought with ‘it’s’ substance & source,Goodness - is conscious creating.
God bless, and Godspeed in your creating.
“There is no path; but only a fool doesn’t walk it.”